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Richard Perry/The New York Times
The new research into the age of the Grand Canyon used a dating technique based on the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium atoms.
How old is the Grand Canyon? Old enough to be gazed on by dinosaurs, which died out 65 million years ago, or closer to six million years old, formed about when the earliest human ancestors began walking upright?
A bitter controversy among geologists over this question edged into the open on Thursday, when a report published in the journal Science offered new support for the old-canyon hypothesis, which is not the prevailing one. In the report, Rebecca M. Flowers of the University of Colorado and Kenneth A. Farley of the California Institute of Technology used an improved dating technique based on the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium atoms into helium atoms in a mineral known as apatite. They said this yielded a thermal record of these rocks under the canyon floor, hot at great depths but cooler the closer they were to the surface.
An analysis of the data, the geologists said, revealed where surface erosion had gouged out canyons and how much time had passed since there was significant natural excavation in the Grand Canyon region. They concluded in the report that the western segment of the canyon was carved to within a few hundred yards of modern depths by about 70 million years ago.
The more ancient origin would put much of the canyon in place in the last epoch of the dinosaurs. Publicity for the journal report duly noted that one of nature?s wonders, dinosaurs, might well have stood and gawked at another wonder, one of today?s most majestic tourist attractions.
This was only one of the immediate objections to the findings raised by geologists favoring the young-canyon school of thought. They said that the research results had been hyped. One critic, Karl E. Karlstrom of the University of New Mexico, noted that the early-canyon model had been proposed before and was ?now in what I think will be a short-lived revival.?
If the interpretation of the findings proves to be correct, it contradicts the prevailing hypothesis that the entire canyon was formed as recently as five million to six million years ago, advocated by many of the notable authorities on Grand Canyon geology. These dates were drawn from an examination of pebbles and other sediments from upstream reaches of the Colorado River system that washed up at the western exit of the canyon.
Dr. Flowers said that when she started this research seven years ago, she had not expected to find the canyon?s presumed age to be so ancient. But the first set of experiments with the radioactive helium technique in 2008 was followed up with a new round of tests and more sophisticated levels of analysis.
In their paper, Dr. Flowers and Dr. Farley wrote that their findings implied a dichotomy in the late eastern and early western canyon origins. This history, they said, ?supports a model in which much of Grand Canyon incision was accomplished by an ancient Cretaceous river that flowed eastward from western highlands,? not from northeast to west, as today?s Colorado River does. This was followed by a ?reversal of the river?s course as topography rose in the east and collapsed in the west,? in consequence of the rising Rocky Mountains.
Dr. Flowers said in an interview that the findings supported the ancient-origin hypothesis advanced in recent years by Brian P. Wernicke, a Caltech geologist, who had proposed such a chain of events. It is still not clear when the eastern and western canyons merged into the canyon as it is seen today.
She also said she foresaw ?a fair amount of controversy? over the research results. That turned out to be an understatement, even before the official publication date.
Dr. Karlstrom of the University of New Mexico is a leader among geologists who have devoted much of their careers to Grand Canyon studies. When reporters called this week, he was prepared with four pages of criticism of the new research. He pointed out that at a meeting two years ago of the most active Grand Canyon researchers, ?a near consensus view was expressed? in support of the young-canyon hypothesis.
As a rule of thumb, he defined the Grand Canyon as ?the canyon you see from the rim today.? How fragments of paleocanyons and paleorivers contributed to the Grand Canyon?s origin is not established, he said.
Dr. Karlstrom was not entirely negative in his assessment of the research. He praised the thermochronology method the researchers used, saying it ?offers one of the few ways we may be able to reconstruct past landscapes in rocks that have long since been eroded away.? The Flowers-Farley team, he added, ?is pushing welcome new advances? in this dating technology.
?Less welcome to me,? he continued, ?is their attempt to push the interpretation of their new data to their limits without consideration of the whole range of other geologic data sets.?
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: November 29, 2012
An earlier version of this article misstated the direction in which the Colorado River flows. It flows from northeast to west, not from west to northeast.
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ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? A new University of Florida study shows ecologists may have been missing crucial information from animal bones for more than 150 years.
The study featured on the cover of the November issue of Ecology shows animal bone remains provide high-quality geographical data across an extensive time frame. The research may be used to identify regions of habitat for the conservation of threatened species.
Charles Darwin first noted the importance of studying where animal bones lie on the landscape in 1860, but the topic has since become largely lost to scientists trying to protect and conserve native wildlife. By documenting accumulations of elk bones and antlers on the landscape of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, study author Joshua Miller identified areas critical for the species' survival during spring and winter.
"This is fundamental stuff, because for a long time the common knowledge was that bones only lasted a few years on the landscape," said Miller, an assistant scientist at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus and Fenneman assistant research professor at the University of Cincinnati. "It turns out they last a lot longer and surveys of bones on landscapes offer a new tool for conservation and management -- one that allows us to collect decades of biological data in a single field season."
Walking across Yellowstone Park, Miller documented elk skeletal remains and determined the bones record the same seasonal distributions as aerial surveys of living elk.
Ecologists typically gather information for conservation by monitoring wild animals, a task requiring years of financial support and countless hours of observation by wildlife biologists. A long-term study in ecology consists of at least 10 to 20 years of census data. However, because some bones can survive on some landscapes for hundreds of years, they may include data from time periods beyond the reaches of a traditional ecological study, including historical insight often missing from scientists' knowledge of ecosystems, Miller said.
"A major challenge for wildlife conservation and management has been that biologists can only work in the present -- researchers can only start from when they began collecting data," Miller said. "If someone wants to develop a piece of land, for example, there may only be time for a few years of data collection, and we know as ecologists that such limited observations aren't enough to capture the full complexities of an ecosystem. This research shows we can go into the past, essentially using bones to travel through time and learn about generations of wildlife that were previously lost to science."
A popular hunting species, male elk grow to 700 pounds, shedding their more than 30-pound antlers annually. Miller used standardized bone surveys on 40 five-eighth-mile-long plots in the northern range of Yellowstone Park to identify wintering grounds by antler accumulations and calving grounds by the appearance of newborn skeletons.
"Bones are not randomly scattered across a landscape," Miller said. "Where a bone is found is often as biologically informative as which species it's from. As we investigate the quality of these geographic data, we're discovering that this is a gold mine of information."
Although the study represents a narrow test case, the strong correlation between how bones are distributed across Yellowstone Park and known patterns in how elk use the landscape shows this low-impact survey technique may be useful for understanding other areas, including poorly known or fragile ecosystems, Miller said.
Anna Behrensmeyer, vertebrate paleontology curator at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, uses bone surveys in East Africa for understanding the area's mammal populations and how bones become part of the fossil record. She said the study of taphonomy, the processes affecting organic remains as they become fossilized, is not commonly recognized in the field of ecology.
"In my long-term studies of bones, it has struck me that many ecologists have been missing useful information that is available in bones lying about on modern landscapes," Behrensmeyer said. "Josh is showing the potential of using bones, antlers and other remains to monitor what animals have been doing for the past decades and even hundreds of years."
Behrensmeyer said she hopes taphonomy as a research tool spreads from its traditional place in paleontology and archaeology into the realm of ecology.
"Sometimes we taphonomists feel like a small voice in the universe -- it's hard for the dead to capture the attention of scientists focused on understanding living organisms and ecosystems," Behrensmeyer said. "Once ecologists see this study, they could very well say, 'Why didn't I think of that?' "
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Florida. The original article was written by Danielle Torrent.
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>>> welcome back. the obama administration slapped bp with tough new sanctions for causing the worst oil disaster in u.s. history . the environmental protection managers suspended the oil giant from securing any new government contracts for an unspecified amount of time. bp will not be able to lease new areas of exploration from the u.s. government , including territories in the gulf of mexico . 11 people died and almost 5 million barrels of oil spilled when the deepwater whorizon exploded in 2010 .
Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/49998182/
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A first-ever south-to-north route and new host cities should shake up the race.
By Joe Lindsey
Officials announced the race route for the 2013 Amgen Tour of California today, and although some aspects are comfortingly familiar, much has changed from years past.
The biggest switch for the eight-stage 750-mile race (May 12-19) is directional. Rather than start in northern California and wend south to Los Angeles, the 2013 edition will kick off just outside San Diego and head north, for a finish in Santa Rosa.
Exact routes and stage distances aren?t available yet, but here?s what was announced on Tuesday.
Stage 1: Escondido to Escondido
This city just north of San Diego hosted the 2009 finish. Fans of that edition will remember that the route climbed nearby Mount Palomar; Frank Schleck won the stage and Levi Leipheimer took the overall. Palomar may well play a role again, but in 2009 the summit was too far from the finish to make a major difference in the race, and it doesn?t take a geographer to know that it hasn?t moved any closer.
Stage 2: Murrieta to Palm Springs
Two new host cities will line up for the second stage, which takes racers across desert terrain. With an average May high temperature of 96 in Palm Springs, heat?could play an important role, as it did in last year?s Bakersfield time trial. Murrieta was for some time home to Floyd Landis, whose non-selection for the 2010 edition helped spur the investigation into doping on U.S. Postal. This stage could see hills if it goes through the San Bernardino National Forest and past Mount San Jacinto (which would then go near Landis?s Idyllwild cabin). Windy conditions could also be a factor.
Stage 3: Palmdale to Santa Clarita
Skirting the Los Angeles area proper, the third stage sticks with the desert theme with a Palmdale start, but the details are what?s intriguing. The finish city, Santa Clarita, is less than 40 miles away by the most direct route; the race will likely go any number of other directions, into the San Gabriel mountains to the Angeles Crest, or west to Lake Castaic. Either route has the potential to be a major climbing day.
Stage 4: Santa Clarita to Santa Barbara
Santa Clarita plays host the start of Stage 4 as well, and this could be an intriguing day; it?s over 70 miles to the finish in Santa Barbara by the shortest route, and the race likely will use smaller roads. One complicating factor could be riding straight into westerly winds, which could shift to a crosswind as riders hit the coast, as far away as Ventura.
Stage 5: Santa Barbara to Avila Beach
Another long day (at least 90 miles, but probably closer to 110), this stage features two new towns but some familiar territory as it heads north along, or near, the central coast. Riders will likely pass through or near longtime host town Solvang, the site of several previous Tour of California time trials. Race organizers will probably aim for an early start and a fairly direct route to minimize the overnight transfer. As the race seems to be paying homage to former big names in cycling, it?s worth noting that Avila Beach is not far from San Luis Obispo, home of ex-HTC manager Bob Stapleton.
Stage 6: San Jose to San Jose (individual time trial)
As the only city to host all eight editions of the race, San Jose has seen finishes and starts but never a time trial, until now. The course is a complete unknown; the start and finish will likely be somewhere near downtown, but how long and where it goes are still unknown. One logistical note: The transfer from Avila Beach is the longest in the race?s history by a good bit; it?s almost 200 miles from there to San Jose (three and a half hours of driving). So while race organizers will likely pick an early finish for Stage 5 and a late start for Stage 6, the TT might go to the rider with the best on-the-road recovery.
Stage 7: Livermore to Mount Diablo
Likely the queen stage of the race, this summit finish, combined with the previous day?s time trial, should decide the overall. Livermore isn?t far away from the state park where the race will finish, so there?s considerable variation in how the riders get there. But Diablo is certainly worthy of the name. It climbs 3,200 feet in under 11 miles with an average gradient of 5.7 percent. The current record on Strava is just over 45 minutes. Expect these guys to lop 5 to 10 minutes off that.
Stage 8: San Francisco to Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa is known for its large, enthusiastic crowds, and hosting the race?s overall finish will likely boost those numbers. Although the race may have been decided by the previous stage?s mountaintop finish, this final day is potentially challenging. The key lies in the route: After a start in San Francisco, the race will likely go north across the Golden Gate Bridge. From there, does it go into the Marin Headlands and Point Reyes National Seashore, then up to some of the familiar routes from past editions? Or do they head through Marin to Sonoma and Napa and wine country, and obstacles such as Trinity Grade? Either way, expect some leg-breaking hills before a fast run-in to the finish.
Overall, it?s a much different course than the 2012 edition, and not just because of the direction. The 2012 race went far inland and made much use of the central valley, though not always to good effect. The 2013 Tour of California will be dominated by southern desert and the coast, barely touching on a major urban area until Stage 6.
Some of the roads will be familiar to the riders, but they?ll mostly be tackling them from a different direction. Desert heat, coastal winds, and long days will all be factors. The course saves the main difficulties for late in the race, but the early stages could be more taxing than they seem at first glance.
BICYCLING will fill in route details as they become available. Ditto for team announcements.
Till then, what are your thoughts on the course? Comment below.
Tags: Amgen Tour of California, ATOC, Pro Racing, route announcements, Tour of California, UCI
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The Bing Translator app has been helping Windows Phone users avoid cross-cultural mishaps since April of last year, adding augmented reality and offline capability along the way. Naturally, Microsoft has updated this utility for Windows Phone 8. The latest version of Translator supports six languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) and features a new "lens" for translating text via a smartphone's camera. The app is available as a free download in the Store. Head past the break to see it in action.
Continue reading Bing Translator gets updated for Windows Phone 8, available now in the Store
Filed under: Software, Mobile, Microsoft
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/27/bing-translator-updated-windows-8/
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WEDNESDAY, Nov. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Birth control pills are safe and should be sold over-the-counter without the need for a doctor's exam or prescription, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended Tuesday.
Noting that half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended -- a rate unchanged in 20 years -- ACOG said easier access to oral contraceptives could help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies.
"It's unfortunate that in this country where we have all these contraceptive methods available, unintended pregnancy is still a major public health problem," Dr. Kavita Nanda, a scientist with the North Carolina nonprofit FHI 360 (formerly known as Family Health International), told the Associated Press.
Many factors contribute to the high rate of unintended pregnancies in the United States, a situation that costs taxpayers an estimated $11.1 billion each year, ACOG said in a statement. Access and cost are common reasons why women either don't use contraception or have gaps in use. Making oral contraceptives available without a prescription could possibly reduce the unintended pregnancy rate, said ACOG, the nation's largest group of obstetricians and gynecologists.
But over-the-counter sales of birth control pills aren't likely to happen any time soon. A company would first have to get government approval, and it's not clear if any are thinking about doing so at this time, the AP reported.
It's also not clear how much birth control pills would cost women if they were no longer covered by insurance. ACOG estimates that young women and the uninsured currently pay an average of $16 for a month's supply.
In making its case for over-the-counter birth control pills, ACOG pointed to research from the U.S. Institute of Medicine that found that women with an unintended pregnancy are more likely to smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy, struggle with depression, experience domestic violence, and are less likely to obtain prenatal care or breast-feed. Also, short intervals between pregnancies have been linked to low birth weight babies and prematurity, which increase the chances of health and developmental problems for the child, the physicians' group said.
ACOG acknowledged that all drugs carry risks, and birth control pills are no exception. Use of the Pill has been linked to an increased risk of blood clots, but the physicians' group said the risk is "extremely low."
Dr. Jill Rabin is chief of ambulatory care, obstetrics and gynecology, head of urogynecology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y. Responding to the ACOG recommendation, she said, "This isn't a new discussion, it's been in discussion for at least the last four years, and this isn't a committee opinion that they wrote lightly."
Noting that it's "not a black-and-white issue, obviously there are risks and benefits," Rabin said she supports the recommendation "because they (ACOG) looked at the literature very, very carefully. This is a spectrum of practitioners, academicians and they really weighed the data very carefully."
Addressing the prospect of younger girls buying over-the-counter birth control pills, Rabin said she hopes the ACOG recommendation doesn't lead to bypassing parent-child discussion.
She added, however, that "adolescents are adolescents. We want our children to be safe and we want them to not be pregnant and we want them to not contract a viral or bacterial illness. But the literature is that adolescents are sexually active -- a significant percentage of them are sexually active.
"We want our kids to come to us [as parents] regardless and hopefully they will," Rabin said. "It's better to open the discussion. We stress abstinence but we want to be realistic, too, we want to keep our kids safe and healthy. The fact is that an unwanted pregnancy in a 14-year-old girl is a devastating thing. It interrupts school, it interrupts life, it's physically more difficult because their bodies aren't completely developed."
Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration held a meeting to collect ideas about how to sell regular birth control pills without a prescription. And on Tuesday, the FDA said it would meet with any company interested in making a non-prescription birth control pill to discuss what studies would be needed for approval, the AP reported.
The ACOG statement is published in the December issue of the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.
More information
To learn more about oral contraceptives, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Copyright ? 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.8newsnow.com/story/20159861/obgyns-endorse-over-the-counter-birth-control-pills
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Some Republicans feared that a second term for US President Barack Obama would be catastrophic to the country?s economy, but one private store owner says business is booming and the president is to thank.
Cope Reynolds, owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, says he?s ?been busier than a cat covering up poop on a marble floor,? lately, and all because of a rather unusual and accidental promotion. The proprietor of the Pinetop, AZ gun-and-ammo store posted signs around his shop and even took out a full-page ad in the White Mountain Independent newspaper the morning after Pres. Obama won a second term in office to warn supporters of the incumbent to stay out of his store.
?If you voted for Barack Obama, your business is not welcome at Southwest Shooting Authority. You have proven you?re not responsible enough to own a firearm,? the adverts read.
In the weeks since, Reynolds says business is now ?booming? and he likely has his unusually outspoken signage to thank. He says his store has been flooded with calls since his campaign first made headlines, and now the support is pouring in from everywhere.
?We?ve even gotten calls from Afghanistan, England, almost every state in the union. Overwhelmingly they?re in support,? Reynolds tells Talking Points Memo. ?You can always tell the ones that are not ? nine out of 10 of them start out with vile and nasty language. And I guess they don?t have the intelligence to carry on a conversation like an adult. Probably about 75 percent have been for it, maybe even more than that.?
Reynolds says that even if some are responding less than positively, he doesn?t think it affects business.
?People are saying that I?ve alienated half of our customers,? Reynolds tells the Arizona Republic. ?No, I haven?t. I haven't alienated any of my customers, because the people who voted for Obama don?t buy guns here. They don't come here at all. I haven?t alienated. I?ve improved things. I have packages sitting on my desk to be shipped to places like Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Idaho, Nevada and California.?
If you?re voted for Obama, writes Reynolds in a statement, ?your money is no good? at Southwest Shooting Authority
?Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement,? he tells the Phoenix New Times. ?Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don't say anything, we'll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking that they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door. Some folks are easily amused that way. However, if they own up to it, we will not serve them. This goes way beyond gun control, which many think is why we did this. I should have as much right to post a sign on my door as those that post ?No Guns? on their doors.?
If people have a problem with Reynolds? policy, they are invited to call him at the store?s phone number, 928-367-AK47. You should probably think twice though if you?re intending on taking up any complaints you may have face-to-face.
?We?re able to wear our guns in Arizona and we wear one 24-7,? he tells the Daily Caller. ?We train regularly.?
Source: http://rt.com/usa/news/business-gun-obama-reynolds-649/
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If you are fed up with your old style home decor and want to change all the decoration to make it stylish and modern, you can do it simply by changing lightings in your home. Wall lighting can add beauty and elegance to your home. Nowadays these lights are available in the market in various shades, styles and wattage. Before selecting lights for your home you should make a list for your lighting requirements by keeping in mind your budget also. With wide range of unusual and attractive designs, lightings which are installed on the walls of your home could be very useful in emphasizing the beauty of a picture, furniture, vase and other architectural element.
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While selecting the lights for your home or your work place its functionality has the same importance as the design. You can select the specific lights for specific locations. You can use some stylish wall lighting in your living room which can add awesome look to your area. For dining area you can choose some stylish pendent lights so that you can have proper illumination on your dining table. In your bed rooms you can use side lamp so that there will not be any difficulty if you get up in the night time.
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Source: http://www.articlecube.com/Article/Lighting-up-your-sweet-home/1823002
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We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, then here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is from Diamar, who is eyeing up a new smartphone, but doesn't want one the size of a table tennis bat. If you're looking to ask one of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com.
"I read your site and I figured I'd give this a shot. I'll be in the market to upgrade my iPhone 4S, but all of the best smartphones now have huge screens. I've wanted a Galaxy SIII, but its 4.8-inch screen is pushing it. Can you recommend any current or future smartphones that don't have massive screens? Thanks!"
Were we in the construction trade, we'd be sucking the air over our teeth in a disapproving manner. If you're looking for a flagship model, then it's probably going to be on the sizable side:
Of course, if size is your only concern, then you could drop down a few levels (and price points) and snag a Galaxy S III Mini, which has a 4-inch display, but far more modest specs. That's our take on the situation, anyway, but what about the community? Share your thoughts, folks.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile
Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/ntrkIIMt56Q/
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Exciting news out of the United Arab Emirates this week as famed automotive industry icon and noted Fiat enthusiast Jennifer Lopez was tapped to open Audi's latest mega-dealership in Dubai.
As we all remember, J-Lo starred in controversial, much ridiculed ads for the Fiat 500 last year, only for the public to discover that she wasn't really driving around the block at all. Fiat has since dumped that campaign for some ads that are slightly less annoying.
Not one to give up easily, J-Lo is now apparently spokeswoman-ing for Audi in the Middle East, as Motor Authority reported.
But the new facility is way more fancy than your normal neighborhood car dealership. As Motor Authority reports, it's not even called a dealership, but a "terminal," because it's 100,000 square feet and three stories of Audi madness with two car elevators and one floor exclusively dedicated to car customization. It is, apparently, the largest Audi dealership in the world.
The terminal also features what Audi calls a "Powerwall," a floor-to-ceiling screen that displays images of the cars and their customization options in 1:1 scale. I want to go to there.
Say what you want about J.Lo, she seems to be committed to staying in the automotive shill game. And I wish my ass looked that good in white pants, girlfriend.
Photo credit Motor Authority
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??|?? November 24, 2012 ?? 08:55am ??|Contributed by manoja
With land resources shrinking and property prices shooting, Punjab is all set to lead India on the path of green growth by subsidising high-rise and energy efficient buildings in the state.
The state government has plans to attract massive skyscrapers in its cities and incentivise high rise and energy-efficient constructions through its new Real Estate Policy to be unveiled by mid-December.
?We will incentivise high-rise constructions in our new real estate policy. But Punjab must have the tallest building in the country,? said state Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal.
The new policy for the real estate sector, currently being fine tuned, will incorporate measures to promote the use of green materials to create sustainable buildings and thereby boost the emerging concept of green growth with low carbon emissions.
Showcasing its real estate wealth to realtors of the country, Badal has already announced that Punjab government would unveil its new Real Estate Policy by December 15 that would accord industry status to the sector and remove various bottlenecks and simplify procedures. Once accorded the industry status, the real estate sector will get all the benefits available to industries. The state government is also planning to grant industry status to give a fillip to investments in the state in a bid to boost its economy which is facing a crunch due to global economic downturn.
The state hopes to attract an additional Rs 50,000 crore investment into the state soon after the new policy is unveiled. Badal said the state was set to simplify procedures and make investment attractive by removing all bottlenecks and making the real estate policy incentive-based.
To attract further investment in the real estate market, Badal claimed that Punjab would be ?a power-surplus state by next year and would have one of the best air and road connectivity with the starting of three international airports and four-six laning of state and national highways running across the state?. Showcasing real estate opportunities in GMADA region, Badal said city center (80 acre), medicity (200 acre), IT City (1600 acre), Education city (1700 acre) were life-time opportunities in Chandigarh?s vicinity.
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The holidays are just around the corner. For a lot of local businesses this is great news, because it?s often the much-needed boost it takes for them to make it through the lean months. However, construction companies are one of the few businesses where the holiday season actually signals something else entirely: the end of their revenue stream.
While the seasonal time table may put you on opposite tracks until spring, there?s another way to look at the annual down turn. What does this mean? Why not consider expanding your company using fast unsecured business loans? This article can help you run a risk assessment to see if expansion through unsecured financing is in your future.
To Grow or Not to Grow? That is the Question
A lot of industries view expansion as a grey area. It shouldn?t be. There are only three factors involved:
One nice thing about owning a construction company is that these parameters are clearly defined. It just depends on what stage of business development you?re in. Is your company:
Make sure to assess your business profitability honestly.
If your business falls into the latter two categories, then it?s not time to expand just yet. You really need to have both professional sustainability and profitability in equal measure before you think about expansion. Why? The next steps involve planning and applying for unsecured business loans. These steps will go much smoother with your company?s financial trajectory firmly set.
It Was The Best of Times; It Was The Worst of Times: How To Plan For A Successful Expansion
While the thought of expanding your construction company may be exhilarating, the reality of it can be tiring. That?s why the off season is a benefit in disguise. It offers you the gift of time; time to plan properly both logistically and financially.
Expansion means different things to different people. Some proprietors choose to buy an existing building and convert it. Others choose to build new and handle the construction from scratch. Whatever road you choose, unsecured business loans can help.
They are:
That said; timing is everything. Don?t rush through the approval process. ?Expansion is stressful enough as it is. Always make sure you seek reputable lenders and that you understand everything you?re agreeing to. Construction always involves risk, so plan for it. Ask how you can secure lower interest rates and fees, don?t overextend your resources, and be prepared to make mistakes.
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NEW YORK (Reuters) - "The Big Bang Theory" actress Mayim Bialik and her husband are divorcing after nine years of marriage, she said in a statement on her Facebook page.
Bialik, who starred in the 1990s sitcom "Blossom," and Michael Stone have two sons together.
"Divorce is terribly sad, painful and incomprehensible for children," Bialik, 36, said in the statement. "It is not something we have decided lightly."
Bialik, a proponent of "attachment parenting" who authored a book on the subject that was published in September, said it "played no role" in the couple's divorce.
Attachment parenting advocates the nurturing of strong bonds between parents and children, which can include extended breast-feeding and parents and children sleeping in the same bed until the children are as old as 7. A controversial Time magazine cover on the subject in May drew strong reactions across the United States.
"The main priority for us now is to make the transition to two loving homes as smooth and painless as possible," Bialik wrote in the statement, which was posted to her Facebook page on Wednesday. "Our sons deserve parents committed to their growth and health and that's what we are focusing on."
"We will be OK," the statement concludes.
Bialik is a former child star who appeared in the 1980s television series "Webster" and "The Facts of Life" before landing the title role in the coming-of-age television show "Blossom," which ran from 1991 to 1995. The show was about a smart teenage girl whose parents have divorced and is learning about life.
The actress attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where she obtained a doctorate in neuroscience.
She met Michael Stone, a fellow graduate student, in calculus class, according to a description of her wedding she previously posted online.
In her most recent role on CBS comedy "The Big Bang Theory," Bialik plays Amy Farrah Fowler, a neuroscientist who dates one of the two main stars of the show, the socially inept but brilliant physicist Sheldon Cooper.
(Reporting By Chris Francescani; Editing by Alex Dobuzinskis and Bill Trott)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/big-bang-theory-actress-mayim-bialik-husband-divorcing-035608369.html
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During lunch with a fellow-techie friend, I asked him how work was going. He launched into a long monologue about stuff I couldn?t begin to understand. Something about PBX trunks, defined hierarchies, set-based operations, or some such nonsense.
It felt like a bad date, where you?re desperate for a call from your BFF with an ?emergency? so you can hightail it out of there.
I felt bad, since the guy sitting across from me is actually a really good friend.
Then I realized something: Your skills don?t matter.
At that moment, I also realized there was a hidden trap?but more on that in a minute.
So, yep, you heard me: your skills don?t matter. No one cares about your skills (except you, of course).
I?ve already written about this on?TechRepublic, but this is such an important concept I wanted to cover it here on the blog as well.
?But wait!? you protest. ?My Ruby skills are killer! And Ruby?s far and away the best technology for?? Blah blah blah.
See? You?ve already fallen into the trap.
You could just as easily replace ?Ruby? for whatever your expertise is?whether it?s computer programming or project management. Smart people fall into that trap every day?and fail miserably because of it.
If you?re like most new consultants, when you start your business, you focus on your skills?which is generally whatever you?ve slapped on your resume.
But your potential customers?don?t care?about your skills?they care about solving their problems, making their pain go away, and their ?jobs to be done? (to use a phrase from?Clayton Christiansen,?Harvard business professor and author of The Innovator?s Dilemma). Whether you?re targeting consumers or businesses, your prospects almost never care about how the solution is implemented?they just want the end result.
But instead, you fall into the trap of thinking that your skills are important.
And where does that get you? For starters:
All because you?re spending energy focused on the wrong things.
I?d go even further and say that the same thing is true not just for entrepreneurs, consultants, and freelancers, but even if you like your job just fine or want to look for a new job.
Employers want problems solved, jobs done, and pain to go away, whether they?re buying a product or service, or hiring their next employee. Sure, big companies and HR people have to scan resumes to make sure you have particular experience, but they ultimately want problems solved, not just a warm body who typed the right keywords on their resume.
Now, obviously, skills do matter, but we need to view them as tools, not the end product.
The biggest reason we wrongly believe that our skills are the end product is because we?re taught to think like an employee, where we build our resume around our skills. This is particularly true for tech professionals, where we like to collect a huge list of acronyms, languages, and technologies that we?ve used (HTML, Java, .NET, etc.), then proudly tout them on our resumes.
What?s more, it?s easy to get drawn in by the fervor of passionate adherents for the hot technology of the day?Java, Python, whatever. But those zealots lose the point.
If you spend your time trying to convince a potential customer why they?ve GOT to have their app written in Lisp or what-have-you, their eyes will glaze over, and they?ll dread talking to you?ever?again. Try it and see how fast you fail.
Ever had your pitch cut short by an ?emergency? call? Thought so.
If you focus solely on your skills, you?ll end up stuck in commoditized markets where you?ll compete with thousands of people around the globe, many of whom are eager to work for less than your typical pimply-faced teenage burger flipper.
Care to argue the point? Spend 60 seconds on ODesk trolling for jobs requiring your skills.
I bet you a dozen donuts that half the people charge less than $20 an hour?which will likely get negotiated down a bit. That may not quite be burger-flipping rates, but you certainly won?t be able to quit your day job either. For SQL?my specialty?98% of contractors charge less than $50/hour, and 75% of contractors charge less than $25/hour.
In contrast, my hourly rate is $175; I have plenty of work, ditched my day job over 4 years ago?during the economic meltdown, mind you?and consistently make over $100k working essentially part-time hours.
How can I charge $175/hour and still have plenty of work?
Not by focusing on my skills alone, but by focusing on a very specific market and my customers? biggest problems.
And therein lies the key: people will happily pay for their problems to go away.
If you do that, your prospects will be on the edge of their seat listening to you describe how those problems will go the way of the buggy whip, and will happily pay you to make that happen.?By focusing on a tightly defined market and its most pressing problems, you?ll not only have an easier time selling to them, but you?ll be able to charge a much higher rate.
That?s just one of the strategies I teach in Breakthrough Consulting, and it reliably sells services time and again?without feeling like you?re a sleazeball used-car salesperson.
Of course, you can still try to wear down prospects with your Python enthusiasm?let me know if that ever works for you.
Or, you can focus on your prospects? biggest problems and how you?ll make their pain disappear.
And instead of getting your pitch interrupted by ?emergency? calls, you can say goodbye to your burger-flipping spatula.
And, yes, due to popular demand, I?ve temporarily re-opened Breakthrough Consulting for a couple days.
Source: http://startmyconsultingbusiness.com/no-one-cares-about-your-skills-and-what-really-matters/
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ACCRA, Ghana (AP) ? Moussa Toure Zeguen, an aging militia leader and longtime backer of former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo, spends most of his time in exile online, drafting missive after missive to rewrite the history of his country's recent post-election violence.
A six-page "press statement" sent out by Zeguen last month shows just how much his take differs from the standard version of events. Whereas the international community saw now-President Alassane Ouattara as the undisputed winner of the November 2010 election, Zeguen's statement describes the campaign to install him in office - part of months of violence that claimed at least 3,000 lives - as a "military coup" led by colonial power France. Zeguen derides Ouattara as a foreigner, a "Western puppet" and a financier of rebellions.
In person, Zeguen's rhetoric is even more extreme. "We want Ouattara to die," said the 68-year-old, who is on a European Union sanctions list for his role in the conflict. "And if I get him in front of me I can cut his neck."
Nearly 1,000 Gbagbo supporters currently live in Accra, according to the Ghana Refugee Board. Known as "urban refugees" because they live outside refugee camps, they include ex-combatants like Zeguen, political leaders and former high-level government officials, most of whom fled to Ghana in the weeks after Gbagbo was arrested in April 2011.
Their anti-Ouattara vitriol - delivered in a steady stream of press statements, blog posts, tweets and newspaper articles - threaten Ivory Coast's reconciliation, say analysts.
"The exiles are working to prevent" national reconciliation with messages that "sustain doubts about Ouattara's legitimacy in the minds of all those who previously supported and may continue to view Laurent Gbagbo as Ivory Coast's rightful president," said Joseph Hellweg, an Ivory Coast expert at Florida State University.
In recent months, the Gbagbo loyalists have come under greater scrutiny, with Ouattara's administration accusing them of coordinating roughly 10 attacks on military positions within Ivory Coast since early August. Last month, a United Nations experts' report also accused them of coordinating the violence, claiming they had tried to recruit Islamist fighters in northern Mali, among others, to their cause.
The leaders of the urban refugees deny the allegations. In recent interviews, most exiles said their days were largely spent in front of their laptops, reading and responding to news from their home country while living off money sent from supporters overseas.
Ahoua Don Mello, a former Gbagbo spokesman who is under an international arrest warrant, said this online outreach helps the exiles in Accra maintain their standing as "the central leaders" of the former president's supporters - a feat made easier because what remains of Gbagbo's political party in Abidjan is very weak.
The role the exiles play in shaping public opinion is clear. Ever since Gbagbo was transferred to the International Criminal Court one year ago, his high-level allies have insisted that reconciliation can only happen if the court releases him immediately - something that is practically inconceivable.
Matt Wells, West Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch, said making reconciliation conditional upon Gbagbo's release shows the exiles' "refusal to acknowledge the grave crimes committed by pro-Gbagbo forces during the crisis." Nonetheless, this line has been adopted by many ordinary Gbagbo supporters in Ivory Coast and Ghana.
Zeguen, the aging ex-combatant, is widely regarded as the leader of the exiles' propaganda campaign. His lengthy diatribes routinely get picked up by pro-Gbagbo newspapers in Ivory Coast, which are owned and controlled by the former president's inner circle.
In its sanctions notice against him, the EU said Zeguen's writings reflected "a strong logic of conflict and armed revenge," noting that his blog often "violently calls for the mobilization of the Ivorian people against Ouattara."
However, there are some indications that the exiles are losing sway, even over those who share their politics. Some residents of the Ampain refugee camp, the largest camp for Ivorians in Ghana, accuse them of needlessly stoking animosity between the pro-Ouattara and pro-Gbagbo camps, thereby delaying the refugees' eventual return home.
"Those refugees who are living in Accra, they are free. But here, we are not free," said one refugee who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. "We don't have money. There are so many problems here. In Accra, they say they are refugees but they are free to do anything they want."
Hellweg at Florida State said this frustration would likely become more widespread over time, hurting the exiles' ability to influence the debate over reconciliation.
"The longer that Ouattara can maintain power, the harder it will be for the exiles to effect change, as their resources will eventually diminish and their authority among their Ivorian fellow travelers will diminish due to distance," Hellweg said. "Time, in other words, is on Ouattara's side."
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ivory-coast-exiles-ghana-campaign-gbagbo-141432165.html
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John Makely / NBC News
Thanksgiving on Breezy Point: Teri Dodge and her fiancee Steve Peterson drove from Portland, Maine to Breezy Point, NY on Wednesday to cook Thanksgiving dinner for up to 30 people.
By John Makely, NBC News
In the weeks since Superstorm Sandy sent a wall of water through Breezy Point and more than 100 homes burned to the ground, the battered neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., has seen a flurry of activity with relief workers, volunteers and utility crews creating traffic jams on the one road into town.
Thanksgiving Day in Breezy Point started with a few residents still cleaning up and dozens of crews working on the natural gas lines, but little else happening -- except over by the Point Breeze Volunteer Fire Department?where Teri Dodge and her fiancee Steve Peterson were in high gear cooking dinner in the parking lot.
John Makely / NBC News
Steve Peterson adjusts the heat under a deep fryer as a large turkey cooks.
Dodge and Peterson, who were recently engaged, drove from Portland, Maine, to Breezy Point on Wednesday and slept in their rented van next to the canned vegetables and coolers in the fire department's parking lot.
Thursday morning they started cooking for a guest list that kept getting longer. "First it was seven people, then we added 17 and now we're up over 30," Terri said as she carved one of eight turkeys.?
John Makely / NBC News
A deep-fried turkey is placed in a cooler to keep it warm until dinner is served.
John Makely / NBC News
Terri Dodge served up Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beens, yams, stuffing, gravy and a canned pork item grilled with maple syrup dubbed "Hurricane Ham"
Improvisation and outdoor cooking is not new for Terri and Steve. The couple run "A Lobster Affair" catering company in Portland, but cooking next to a flooded car in the middle of a town recently devastated by Sandy has offered some challenges. "We had to use bottle water to cook the potatoes - that was fun." The biggest challenge? "We need more side dishes, " she said as she mashed a pot full of steaming potatoes.
John Makely / NBC News
About 60 volunteers, police and firefighters enjoy a Thanksgiving meal prepared by Teri Dodge and her fianc? Steve Peterson at the Point Breeze Fire Department in Breezy Point, New York, Nov. 22.
John Makely / NBC News
Teri Dodge shows off the company patch she was given from Firefighter Sebastian Danese as she receives a round of applause for cooking Thanksgiving dinner at the Point Breeze Fire Department, Breezy Point, New York, Nov. 22.
Nearby,?Mathew Bruno and Ryan Pascuzzi of the Westchester Fire Academy handed out turkey sandwiches to whoever was hungry.
John Makely / NBC News
Ryan Pascuzzi, left, a cadet with the New Rochelle Fire Department, hands out turkey sandwiches to Finbar Devine, center, Tim O'Malley and Tom Ball on 216th Street in Breezy Point.
"You've got to do your part"?Pascuzzi said.?"We're going to be devoting our lives to helping other people, we might as well start with a tragedy down here."
"This is my community," Bruno added. "I've been down here every weekend doing what I can, pumping out people's basements. It makes your day when someone gives you a hotdog, a hamburger or a sandwich while you're working trying to do your part. I've been on that side of working and doing the construction and now it's time for me to come down here and do what I can."
John Makely / NBC News
John Dalton, left, and his nephew Al Dalton salvage items from a neighbor's house before the home is razed. The second floor furniture was moved to Dalton's house at the owner's request.
Elsewhere in Breezy Point, John Dalton was salvaging bedroom furniture for a neighbor whose house will be razed. "I'm thankful that no one got killed in this area," Dalton said.?
In a neighborhood hard-hit by Sandy, even people who are storm victims themselves find ways to bring Thanksgiving to others. NBC's Kate Snow reports.
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In fact, the film editor has the job identical to a cook.
The importance of editing dates back ages, chronicled in the book "The Technique Of Film And Video Editing" by Ken Dancyger. It upholds some of the finest examples of editing imparting the narrative of the film through silent shots, music and jump shots involving ordinary objects. Alfred Hitchcock's filmmaking (in films like 'Vertigo' and 'The Man Who Knew Too Much') is considered to have some of the finest editing work by the erstwhile standards, and can easily exemplify why editing is considered so integral to the success of a film or TV production.
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In the earlier ages, editing was physically done, with the help of mechanical equipment that sliced, spliced and appropriately put together 'linearly' edited reels. The digital revolution and technological advances like the Firewire have magically simplified the post-production process. With software applications like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro and Windows Movie Maker, editing is not restricted to professionally trained editors and apprentices. The ease of use and interactive applications has made it possible for film students, amateurs and one-time users to edit their own film or video productions.
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Article Source : http://www.articlesbase.com/art-and-entertainment-articles/the-importance-of-editing-film-and-tv-production-1907539.html
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