Click Image To Visit SiteStop what you?re doing and listen very closely? ? because everything you?ve been told about championship barbecue recipes is about to be proven wrong?
? dead wrong. You probably don?t believe that right now, and that?s fine. In just a moment you?ll see completely and utterly undeniable PROOF.
I Didn?t Use Old Family Secrets, bribe the judges, have inside connections, or use the Techniques Everyone Else Is Talking About! I use real tactics that real champions use and I win practically every time!
A ?Teenage Kid? With NO Prior Skills Or Experience Applied The SAME secrets I?m about to reveal to you And Went On To Win 5 first place trophies and 2 second place trophies his first year!
And Once You Download my book your mind will do flips at the things you never knew about real competition barbecue recipes, you will kick yourself in the butt for using your old basic methods all of these years and grilling average barbecue!
If you?re ?trying? to make championship quality barbecue? grass-root, beginner, intermediate or advanced ? throw away ALL those old basic cookbooks you?ve bought over the years and read very carefully. I can?t help you if you want the latest fad tips.
But what I can do for you today is ? reveal a system in ?absolute? detail, ? that once you apply, you will never go back to the traditional ways of grilling ever again. With this system, there are NO RULES, red tape and hardly anybody that can compete?
Because once you start using THIS system ? the championship barbecue trophies are going to add up so fast you?re going to have to build a set of showpiece shelves just to house the massive beauties!
If you?re up to your eye balls with all those false promises and generic cookbooks? then just imagine the look on your face when you win your first barbecue championship. Do you think you?ll be smiling?
Date: March 19, 2011 From the backyard of Jason Jones
Is it really worth your time to read this page? Will you finally get the secret answer you?ve been searching high and low for?
Well let me be frank with you ? to be successful and win barbecue championships? all you really need is My System and Will Power. PERIOD!!
So, I?m not going to sit here and talk to you like a child ? you?re already smart enough to figure out, you need some inside tips. I?m not talking about a measly recipe, 10 or even 20. No. I?m talking about the kind of stuff that people keep in the family and never tell no matter what.
No matter what stage you are at with your barbecue skills, whether you?re an absolute beginner or have 50 trophies sitting around your fireplace? you need to read every word on this page.
As what I?m about to unleash right before your very eyes will win you a lot of barbecue contests if you actually use it, and it?s unlike anything you have ever seen before. This is the REAL deal!
I will reveal ONE SIMPLE ?SECRET? that will literally make ALL the problems you?ve encountered while barbecuing to this very day Vanish.
I?m going to reveal a ?detailed?, step-by-step systematic solution that will bring YOU a LOT of BARBECUE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES which in effect will bring you alot of RESPECT and BRAGGING RIGHTS too. I will take you from the position you are at right now to a level where you once thought was an impossible dream.
I?m 100% certain that once you apply MY SYSTEM you will never turn back to any ?traditional? methods ever again.
Oh yeah, and one other huge benefit is? there is SERIOUS cash to be Won and Made with Killer Barbecue, and for it to happen you NEED MY SYSTEM.
There?s no question about it. To win barbecue championships you need to know my secrets and after you apply my system?
That wasn?t a misprint as I have won over 70 barbecue trophies across the United States in the last 2 years. I?ve won barbecue contests in the South, the East, the West, the Midwest, you name it.
I?ve also tried using the conventional ways of barbecuing, using conventional barbecue recipes and techniques? and EACH ONE wasn?t good enough to consistently win 1st place barbecue trophies without a lot of luck and a lot of hassle.
Do you have any idea how sick and tired I was after months and months on end, using these techniques ?COMBINED?, just to win a couple second and third place barbecue trophies?
But that?s not all? do you know how many hoops you have to jump through, red tape and rules you?re suppose to follow using the typical boring methods? Here?s a small set of problems you?ll encounter?
The number of rules you have to follow and the endless hours of work you have to do is ?unbelievable? to say the least. But what did you expect? An easy route?
I?ve tried all the so called secret bbq recipes with average results. I?ve bought book after book, guide after guide, and watched show after show, and hey I?ve learned a few things here and there, but?
Right up until late 2008, when things quickly began to change for me. My tiring quest for answers finally paid off as I began to uncover the TRUTH behind making the best barbecue recipes in the world? and it had nothing to do with the usual hard work and usual old methods they?ve been shoving down your throat either.
And since that revelation hit me, everything changed. I had a life ?makeover?. I became a new person.
Then I was bombarded ? by every person that had ever heard of me, not just from the barbecue competition crowd, but also from hundreds of backyard cooks, spectators, and even multi-national companies.
They all wanted to know my secrets? how the heck was I able to win competition after competition? How was I able to dominate? Read more?
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Length - 14 1/2 Inches
Length (handle) - 4 1/2 Inches
Length (blade) - 10 Inches
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