The company also unveiled a new version of its Aura unified communications platform for the Avaya Communication Server 1000, and its Flare Experience for Apple iPad tablets and Windows
Few to a Few Thousand
Aura Conferencing 7.0 is supported by the open , standards-based SIP architecture featured in Avaya 6.2. The company said the new version provides the flexibility companies need in the era of mobile collaboration and bring-your-own-device, offering the ability to video and voice conference between a few co-workers for an impromptu meeting, or a few thousand for a companywide occasion.
Version 7.0's enhancements include one-stop access to Aura conferencing from the Flare Experience, a Collaboration Agent client for access via any Web browser or from Apple's iPhone, and visual and contextual controls for improving the operation of conference sessions. The controls include streamlined ways of announcing or identifying attendees, dealing with background noise, and speaker identification.
Aura allows a conference organizer to scroll through contacts and, via a green dot, see who is participating. Additional participants can be added to the conference by drag-and-dropping their contact info into the conference spotlight. Web-based sharing of content can be enabled for any participant, or via a whiteboard feature.
Flare provides access to companywide communications and collaboration tools, offering a single interface and directory for a variety of communication
tools. The tools include conferencing, Web collaboration, directories, contextual history, social media, presence and instant messaging. (continued...)
Source: http://www.crm-daily.com/story.xhtml?story_id=84417
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